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Архив Новини - Март 2007

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MK: Armageddon Предистория На Onaga

от Gambid на 15 мар, 2007 :: 0
Midway публикуваха и десетото био на боец от Mortal Kombat: Armageddon: Onaga. От него разбираме, че не друг, а именно Shujinko е успял да унищожи шестте Kamidogu и да победи Onaga:
I had nearly regained my throne as Emperor of Outworld when my plans were undone. My pawn Shujinko had grown more powerful than I ever anticipated. Rallying warriors to his cause, he absorbed their fighting abilities and shattered the six Kamidogu, rendering me vulnerable. Only the amulet I had retrieved from the sorcerer Quan Chi gave me protection.

But as Shujinko landed his final blow, an outside force simultaneously ensnared my soul and expelled me from my host body. I found myself bound to a rune in the Netherrealm. I languished there until I was found by Shinnok, a fallen Elder God. Like me he was trapped in that accursed place, denied domination of the realms by lesser beings. Shinnok offered me a chance at revenge: I would regain my rightful place as ruler of Outworld in return for my unquestioned servitude. I bow to no one, but I considered his offer.

Shinnok was nearing his ascension from the Netherrealm, but he feared another defeat -- either by his enemies or his allies. He would emerge unchallenged if they were all eliminated. To achieve this, he needed an Edenian half-god named Daegon to defeat a fire elemental. The godlike energy Daegon would receive from that victory would bring about this slaughter. However, many other warriors also sought that power. Should Daegon fail, should some other warrior defeat Blaze, Shinnok's plans would go unfulfilled.

Shinnok was most concerned with Shao Kahn, my most hated enemy. He proposed that I feign reluctance, but join Quan Chi's new alliance in order to stay close to the traitor. I would then follow him to the final battleground and prevent him from reaching Blaze. When Daegon finally won the prize, the kombatants would all be slain and I would be given Outworld to rule once more. As an added incentive, Shujinko, languishing in Shao Kahn's dungeon, would be mine to do with as I pleased.

I did not trust this fallen Elder God. I suspected treachery. If all went as he had planned, I would most likely be among the dead. But I accepted his offer in order to free myself from that accursed Netherrealm. Satisfied, Shinnok conjured a portal and spoke through it. He then raised his hands and clenched his fists. With a demonic shout, my soul was freed from the binding symbol and I was released from the Netherrealm. I awoke in my original body, covered in dragon's blood. Before me stood Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and my hated enemy, Shao Kahn.

I will pose as Shinnok's pawn and join Quan Chi's alliance. Shao Kahn will never reach Blaze. But I would be a fool to allow Daegon victory. Once I have slain the fire elemental and have taken the prize for myself, I will have Shinnok's head. Onaga serves NO ONE!
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Пет Години Mortal Kombat Secrets

от Gambid на 1 мар, 2007 :: 9
Здравейте всички, първи март отново е тук и с него пристига и поредната годишнина на Mortal Kombat Secrets. Тази е обаче най-специалната за нас, защото е петата, което значи, че сайтът съществува от вече половин десетилетие.

Наистина искахме да направим този ден поне толкова специален за вас, колкото е той за нас. Поради това вместо да ви разказваме историята на сайта, ще ви оставим да я видите със собствените си очи. За първи път от 17-ти април 2003 година
Специално за днешния ден решихме напълно да възстановим Версия 2 на сайта до момента, в който тя беше заменена. Архивът е почти напълно функционален и се надяваме да върне някои хубави стари спомени на посетителите, които са със сайта още от най-първите му моменти. За останалите, тази версия ще покаже еволюцията на сайта през годините.

Всеки път на този ден споделяме бъдещите си планове за сайта и почти всеки път се проваляме в изпълнението им. Точно поради това този път ще прескочим тази част. Единственото нещо, което трябва да знаете е, че идват неща, които няма да искате да пропуснете.

Е, май е време да приключвам с новината, но не мога, не и преди да съм изказал благодарност на всички вас, които посещавате сайта и го поддържахте жив през всички тези години.

Ще се радваме ако споделите мнението си за сайта като коментар към тази новина. Не пестете критика, защото това е един от начините да ни помогнете да направим сайта по-добър. Кажете ни, какво ви харесва, какво не, какво бихте желали да видите или просто споделете идеите си за бъдещо развитие на сайта.

Харесахте ли тази новина? Последвайте ни тогава в YouTube, Facebook Анг., Twitter и Discord.

MK: Armageddon Предистория На Jarek

от Gambid на 1 мар, 2007 :: 0
Midway публикуваха и деветото био на боец от Mortal Kombat: Armageddon: Jarek:
What was done to me by the Special Forces could only be described as brutality. But that's fine. I can take it. What angered me was that somehow Jax found me. I'd covered my trail, kept to the shadows. But still I was routed out.

Jax dropped me into a ravine, assuming that would be the end of me. It would have been if I hadn't thrust my weapon into the cliff wall to slow my descent. I was badly injured, so I went into hiding. My rumored death would be the ultimate camouflage as I regained my strength.

Obsessed with thoughts of revenge, I traveled all over the realms looking for ancient texts that would show me a fatality worthy of my betrayer. But my injuries made perfecting these new techniques a very painful task. My frustration turned into rage and I no longer cared who had sold me out. I would kill them all — a sentiment Quan Chi apparently shared.

Quan Chi recognized the carnage I had left behind as I practiced my new fatalities on the good people of the realms. He was impressed and offered to help me increase their power and effectiveness. All I needed do was fight beside the Forces of Darkness in Edenia. The means of enhancing my fatalities would reveal itself, and all my enemies would be there for the slaughter. Soon I'll have revenge. The time will come to finish them all.
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