Mortal Kombat: Deception - Konquest Mode Guide
Journey deep into the Mortal Kombat universe with Konquest mode. Meet all the classic Mortal Kombat characters while exploring six different realms and collect fighting experience with the warrior Shujinko.
Mode Description
While the fighting side of Mortal
Kombat: Deception is the heart of the game, Konquest Mode is where
you’ll spend most of your time when you first buy the game. In this mode
you follow the adventures of Shujinko as he grows from a young boy, to
an old man. As you travel through six Realms, you’ll come across old
Mortal Kombat characters, chests that hold secrets hidden within the
game, and Koins to open Koffins in the Krypt. Some of the chests found
within Konquest Mode hold keys to unlock Koffins in the Krypt. Most of
the hidden characters and stages can be found in these locked Koffins.
Konquest Mode consists of six Realms. Earthrealm, Netherrealm,
Chaosrealm, Outworld, Orderrealm, and Edenia. The Earthrealm also
contains a small village where your journey begins. Each of the six
Realms, and the village, are divided into a grid of numbers and letters
ranging from A1 to H8. This guide will tell you what is important in
each Realm, and where it’s located on the grid.
Certain battles throughout Konquest Mode will award you with Koins. The
type of Koins that you receive always changes, however the amount
remains the same. In this chapter you will find out how many Koins you
will receive from each encounter, where the encounter takes place, and
how to properly complete any missions that have been assigned to you.
Some missions are mandatory in order to complete Konquest Mode, while
others are simply optional side missions.
Characters you will meet in Komquest mode
Village: Bo’
Rai Cho, Damashi
Earthrealm: Damashi, Bo’ Rai Cho, Sub-Zero,
Kenshi, Nightwolf, Shang Tsung, Raiden, Sindel, Kabal, Kira, Baraka,
Jax, Kobra
Netherrealm: Ashrah, Baraka, Ermac,
Damashi, Scorpion, Quan Chi, Nightwolf, Jarek, Tanya, Shinnok, Shang
Tsung, Noob Saibot, Kobra, Moloch, Drahmin, Havik, Kira, Kabal, Mileena,
Chaosrealm: Damashi, Hotaru, Noob Saibot,
Havik, Darrius, Kira, Kenshi, Kabal, Scorpion, Bo' Rai Cho, Li Mei,
Sindel, Jade, Smoke, Mileena, Noob-Smoke
Outworld: Damashi, Mileena, Jade, Hotaru,
Baraka, Kano, Li Mei, Kobra, Noob Saibot, Blaze, Rain, Bo' Rai Cho,
Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kira, Frost, Nightwolf, Tanya, Reptile, Nitara,
Orderrealm: Damashi, Hotaru, Darrius,
Dairou, Li Mein, Stryker, Mocap, Raiden, Mavado, Sindel, Jade, Jax,
Kabal, Kenshi, Bo' Rai Cho, Fujin
Edenia: Damashi, Kitana, Sindel, Tanya,
Dairou, Hsu Hao, Mavado, Sub-Zero, Hotaru, Scorpion, Reiko, Kobra,
Ashrah, Rain, Mileena, Sektor, Havik