Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) Invasions Season Of The Blood Moon Guide
General Guides: Major Malfunctions, Titans
Seasonal Guides: Story, Mesas Maps, Klues (Quick), Klues (Detailed), Seasonal Tower, Final Boss, Secret Fights, Ending
Final Boss: Blood Thirsty NitaraTitans:: The Konquerer General Shao, Insatiable Baraka
Appeared as:
- Season 10: January 21st, 2025 - March 18th, 2025
- Season 2: November 9th, 2023 - December 14th, 2023
Story Intro
Mesas Maps
On these detailed mesa maps, you will find the answers of the following questions:- How/Where do I find the Skins?
- How/Where do I find Ornate Keys?
- How/Where do I find Cage Coins?
- Where are the Gate Unlock Artefacts (Key Items)?
- Where are the Hidden Portal?
- What other interesting stuff is there to discover?
Fire Temple
Sun Do Festival
Living Forest
Shang Tsung Laboratory
Tarkatan Colony
Encounter Klues Quick Guide
Check the complete guide down below for more complete instructions:- BODY BLENDER: Kenshi's Blended Fatality.
- YZARK TIHSTAB: Nitara's Vaeternus KomBAT Fatality.
- OMHE NRU: Darrius' Armed & Dangerous Fatality.
- BASOS: Sonya's Kiss Fatality.
- SPICY KETCHUP: Sektor's Fire And Forget Brutality.
- EHT GIB GNAK YROETH: Liu Kang's Spaghettification Fatality.
- PCAM TOBO: Jax' Big Boot Fatality.
- MIND BLOWN: Motaro's Brain Blast Fatality.
- ACID REFLUX: Reptile's Acid Reflux Fatality.
- A4B4D4E4: Stryker's Safety Vest Fatality.
- BRUTAL BUDDY: Brutality with any Kameo fighter.
- PHI PHO WIRRAOR: Jump over 100 times with Reiko
Progressive Seasonal Tower Rewards
The seasonal tower levels up each time you beat it. Here are the levels and the skins they will give you.- Level 40: Red Winter Sub-Zero Skin
- Level 45: Slash and Stab Baraka Skin
- Level 50: Royal Flush Kitana Skin
- Level 55: Vampiric Heroine Sindel Skin (Can be unlocked in the Tarkatan Kolony boss fight as well)
- Level 60: Thundergore Raiden Skin
- Level 65: Unholy Heart Liu Kang Skin
- Level 70: Khaos Bleed Havik Skin
- Level 75: Kahn of Vaeternus General Shao Skin
- Level 80: Hiss and Scratch Nitara Skin
Final Boss And Rewards
The final boss of Blood Moon is Blood Thirsty Nitara. The final reward for defeating her is his skin for the game. Here is a full list of the rewards, at least what they were in our case:- Nitara Skin: Twilight
- Legendary Key Item: Bloody Fangs
- Nitara Gear: Night Flier
- 1000 Seasonal Kredits
Secret Fights
This is a list of all currently known secret fights.- Location: Rampart, Final Boss Fight; Oponent: Khaos Dragon; Condition: Fatality as Sub-Zero
- Location: Fire Temple, Pretty Painful Tower; Opponent: Arch Elder Nitara; Condition: Brutality (2nd fight)
- Location: Sun Do Festival, Armed & Dagerous Fight; Opponent: Reiko Star; Condition: Animality
Encounter Klues
Each area in Season of the Blood Moon has one or multiple encounters with a Klues on it. Solving the Klue during the fight will remove a barrier that will lead to a chest with rewards. These rewards usually include relics, 500 seasonal kredits, talismans and skins. As the first three are random, we only list the skins here.How To Solve BODY BLENDER Klue
This Klue can be seen on the Sticks & Stones encounter in the Fire Temple.BODY BLENDER references Kenshi's first Fatality. So pick up Kenshi, beat the encounter and perform his Blended: F, D, D, BP (Close) - Fatality. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Skin Rewards:
- Reptile Skin: Bloodied Claws
- General Shao Palette: Venomous Vampire
This Klue can be seen on the Here We Go encounter at the beginning of the Sun Do Festival Mesa.YZARK TIHSTAB read backwards means KRAZY BATSHIT and can be solved by selecting Nitara as your main fighter and performing her Vaeternus KomBAT, D, B, FP (Mid) - Fatality. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Rewards:
- Kenshi Skin: Red Wielder
- Baraka Palette: Dripping Blood
How To Solve OMHE NRU Klue
This Klue can be seen on the Who's Next encounter at the end of the Sun Do Festival Mesa.OMHE NRU in an anagram and means HOME RUN and can be solved by selecting Darrius as your Kameo fighter and performing his Armed & Dangerous: D, B, F, K (Mid) - Fatality. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Rewards:
- Sindel Skin: Vermillion Queen
- Raiden Palette: Grisly Lightning
How To Solve BASOS Klue
This Klue can be seen on the From The Shadows encounter in the first half of the Living Forest Mesa.The first thing you might think when you see BASOS is of course the CEO of Amazon. This was of course done on purpose to trick you. What you are looking for is Baso, which in Spanish means kiss. So, to solve this Klue pick Kameo Sonya and perform her Kiss: B, F, D, K (Mid) - Fatality. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Rewards:
- Nitara Skin: Wounding Bite
- Geras Skin: Eons of Blood
- Tanya Palette: Grisly Caretaker
This Klue can be seen on the In The Dark encounter in the second half of the Living Forest Mesa.To solve this Klue you need to know a small piece of franchise history from 1995. The code names for Sektor and Cyrax during the development of Mortal Kombat 3 where Ketchup and Mustard. Sindel was at one point called Muchacha but this is irrelevant here. So, to solve this Klue pick Kameo Sektor and perform his Fire And Forget: F + TH (Press D, D) - Brutality. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Rewards:
- Shang Tsung Palette: Murderous Genius
- Kitana Palette: Blood Hunger
This Klue can be seen on the I'm Hip I'm Cool encounter on the ground floor of the Shang Tsung's Laboratory Mesa.EHT GIB GNAK YROETH is an anagram and solved it reads The Big Kang Theory. Probably a joke on The Big Bang Theory TV Series. We already have Liu Kang's name in it and his second Fatality looks a lot like the big bang. So, to solve this Klue pick Liu Kang as your main fighter and perform his Spaghettification: B, F, B, FK (Close) - Fatality. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Rewards:
- Rain Skin: Vampiric Magician
- Li Mei Palette: Thirst Constable
How To Solve PCAM TOBO Klue
This Klue can be seen on the Stop There encounter in the Tarkatan Kolony Mesa.PCAM TOBO is an anagram and solved it reads Camp Boot. So, to solve it pick Jax as your kameo fighter and perform his Big Boot: D, F, D, K (Far) - Fatality. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Keep in mind, this chest requires an Ornate Key to open. If you don't have one, you can obtain it from the shop in this mesa. Rewards:
- Mileena Skin: Empress by Blodd
- Scorpion Palette: Bloodied Honor
How To Solve MIND BLOWN Klue
This Klue can be seen on the You're Welcome encounter in the Tarkatan Kolony Mesa.MIND BLOWN references Kameo Motaro's Fatality. So, to solve it pick Motaro as your kameo fighter and perform his Brain Blast: F, D, D, K (Mid) - Fatality. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Rewards:
- Baraka Palette: Vampiric Mutant
- Ashrah Gear: Scourge of the Oni
How To Solve ACID REFLUX Klue
This Klue can be seen on the Bad Timing encounter in the Tarkatan Kolony Mesa.ACID REFLUX references Reptile's Fatality by the same name. So, to solve it pick Reptile as your main fighter and perform his Acid Reflux: F, D, B, FK (Close but not next to the opponent) - Fatality. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Rewards:
- Havik Skin: Bloodstained Revolution
- Smoke Palette: Grisly Quary
How To Solve A4B4D4E4 Klue
This Klue can be seen on the Get Up encounter localted on the right wall of the Rempart Mesa.By looking at A4B4D4E4 you quickly realize what is missing, C4 and this is a reference to Stryker and his Fatality. So, to solve it pick Stryker as your kameo fighter and perform his Safety Vest: F, D, F, K (Mid) - Fatality. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Rewards:
- Sub-Zero Skin: Imbrued Blizzard
- Nitara Palette: Krimson Surger
How To Solve Brutal Buddy Klue
This Klue can be seen on the Within Reach encounter localted on the left wall of the Rampart Mesa.To solve this Klue perform a Brutality with any Kameo fighter. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Rewards:
- Johnny Cage Palette: Bloody Sunset
- Liu Kang Palette: Brilliant Bloodshed
This Klue can be seen on the Punchable Face encounter in the Rampart Mesa. The encounter is located behind the blood wall that can be brought down with the bloody fangs that you will acquire by defeating Nitara at the end of the mesa.PHI PHO WIRRAOR is an anagram and solved it reads Hip Hop Warrior. So, to solve it pick Reiko as your main fighter and jump at least 100 times during the fight. Once this is done, the path will unblock and you will be able to open the chest. Rewards:
- Nitara Palette: 'Til Death
- Nitara Palette: Night Teeth