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Dan Forden And His Iconic "TOASTY" Line In Invasions Mode

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Roy Arkon
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Dan Forden And His Iconic "TOASTY" Line In Invasions Mode

Post by Roy Arkon »

Dan Forden is one of the key men in the history of the Mortal Kombat series. Not only providing multiple soundtracks for various games in the franchise, but also for his cameo in the actual games, popping during gameplay to shout his iconic "TOASTY" line.

Now Forden gets to do another cameo, this time in the game that revolves around the Kameo system, Mortal Kombat 1 (2023). And no, I'm not talking about his "TOASTY" line during Johnny Cage's Krash and Burn Fatality which was in the game since it's launch, I'm talking about making a 2nd cameo, this time in Invasions mode.

A new modifier has been added to Invasions, and it's one simply called "Toasty", which creates a bunch of toasters throughout the stage, and toasts coming out of them and can damage the characters during the fight. Randomly, the toasts can hit a character with a Kritical Hit (as you remember, in the same vain as Pokémon games), and since it's a Fire-Type modifier, it will cause the damage-over-time fire effect to occur, except in this specific scenario, Dan Forden will pop into the screen, shouting his "TOASTY" line in the same good ol' fashion we all know and love.

This is indeed a very pleasant surprise to have this added to MK1 (2023), bringing in another piece of fan service and nostalgia, and we can all only imagine what other surprises will be added to the game in the future.

Check the video from my channel below, showcasing the Dan Forden in Invasions mode. Let's all have a TOAST and enjoy! :mrgreen:

For more information about Mortal Kombat 1 (2023), check out our section for the game right here.

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