Klassic DLC Costume Pack (68 Costumes) (Post Updated 1/1/2024) (Added Babies) (By Mr Skull And Bdrlgn)

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Mr Skull Oficial
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Klassic DLC Costume Pack (68 Costumes) (Post Updated 1/1/2024) (Added Babies) (By Mr Skull And Bdrlgn)

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

(Scroll down a bit to find the post in English)

Cambios de la actualizacion (1/1/2024):
-Se agregaron bebés personalizados para cada traje durante las babalities.

Cambios de la actualizacion (24/12/2023):

-Se eliminaron las "Versiones Humanas" de los trajes de Noob Saibot,y tambien las versiones "Mkp" de los trajes de Cyrax.
-Se hizo una mejora de calidad en las texturas de algunos trajes (No en todos lametablemente,por errores).
-Se incluyeron trajes Mk1,Mk2 y Umk3 para los personajes "No Ninjas" (Stryker,Kabal,Shang Tsung,Etc).
-Se retocó el color en los trajes de Skarlet,y se cambiaron los tonos de color por unos mas oscuros y mas fieles a su traje principal.
-Se retocó el color en los trajes de Cyrax,y se cambiaron los tonos de color por unos mas amarillos,por lo que ya no se ve naranja.
-Se corrigió el error en el que Sub-Zero y Scorpion no podían jugar juntos en modo "Torneo Por Equipos" y crasheaban el juego al hacerlo.

Cambios de la actualizacion (26/7/2023):

-Se agregaron nuevos trajes Mk1 para todos los ninjas,Con menos o mas variantes dependiendo del personaje.
-Se corrigió el error en las espadas del traje Mk2 de Scorpion (Antes se veian totalmente negras).
-Se agregaron nuevos portraits para los trajes "Mk2" y "Umk3" de Skarlet.
-Se modificó el pelo del traje "Umk3" de Skarlet,Quitando esa marca que tenia en su frente antes,Ademas de
que tambien se editaron ligeramente sus texturas de daño en ese traje.
-Se agregaron nuevos trajes "Umk3" para Reptile,Rain,Cyrax y Noob Saibot.
-Se cambió ligeramente el tono del traje "Mk2" de Rain,Para que se parezca mas a tono de su traje "Mk1".
-Se agregaron nuevos trajes "Mk2" para mileena,Reemplazando completamente los anteriores,Trayendo nuevos con tonos
mas similares a el juego Klasico.
-Se agregaron nuevos trajes "Mk2" recoloreados con colores mas vivos para Kitana,Jade y Mileena,Para que se apeguen mas a los originales en el juego Klasico,y como un plus,tambien se agregaron 2 trajes "Mk2" para Kitana con los colores de Jade,Ya que en Mk2 Jade usa los movimientos de Kitana.
-Se cambiaron los ojos en los trajes "Mk2" de Mileena por nuevos ojos "Humanos" (Ademas de cambiar su color,tanto de ojos como de traje).

Cambios de la actualizacion (28/5/2023):

-Se cambió el nombre del traje Mk2 con color alternativo de mileena de: "Mk2 Alt Color" a "Mk2 (V2)".
-Se agregó un nuevo traje de "Mk2 (V2)" para noob,el cual es su traje de Mk2 completamente negro,como lo es el original.
-Se agregaron trajes "Umk3" para todos los ninjas.
-Se corrigieron algunos problemas con las texturas de daño en los trajes "Mk1" y "Mk2" de algunos ninjas,que hacía que se vean "Vacíos" por dentro al dañarse.
-Se agregaron por primera vez trajes DLC para Shang Tsung,Los cuales son los trajes de "Mk1" y "Mk2"
-Se hicieron ligeros cambios en algunos portraits.
-Se cambiaron las mallas de los trajes "Mk2" de los ninjas por unas mejores,con la tela y cordones hacia abajo.
-Se solucionó el problema en el que los trajes "Mk2" de Sub-Zero y "Umk3" de Sindel crasheaban el juego en el modo torneo.

Créditos/Agradecimientos Especiales (Actualizados):

-Créditos al Modder "DFSHINNOK7" (Actualmente Inactivo),Por las texturas de su Mod que usé para crear el traje "Mk1" para Shang Tsung.
-Créditos al Modder "Hanzo-Hasashi" por permitirme usar su idea y sus texturas para agregar el traje "Mk2" de Shang Tsung al Pack.
-Créditos al Modder de Mk9 en PS3 "MFS" por compartirme y permitirme usar sus texturas para crear los trajes "Umk3" para todos los ninjas.
-Créditos al Modder "KOBR4" (Actualmente Inactivo),Por las nuevas mallas que inyecté a los trajes "Mk2" de los ninjas,ya que las saqué de uno de sus Mods.
-Creditos a los Modders "Tetzrep" y "Rich246" (Actualmente Inactivos) por las texturas de "Tela Sin Marcas" que usé para crear los trajes DLC de Mk1 con ese estilo,ya que usé las texturas de uno de sus mods (No se exactamente de quien de los dos es el Mod,Por eso le doy creditos a los dos).
-Créditos al Modder "Luca3148g" por descubrir como hacer DLC a los trajes principales de los personajes,ya que sin el no podría haber incluido muchos de los trajes Mk1,Mk2 & Umk3.
-Créditos al Modder "Bdrlgn",ya que el fue quien actualizó muchos Mods basados en trajes principales que reemplazaban a los originales,y los hizo DLC,sin el tampoco hubiera podido incluir muchos de los trajes Mk1,Mk2 & Umk3 al pack.
-Créditos al Modder "Zepterrian" por su ayuda con los nuevos bebés durante las babalities,ya que no habría sido posible agregarlos sin su ayuda y sus consejos.

Puntos Buenos/Malos del Mod:

-Es para todas las versiones del juego.
-Agrega varios trajes nuevos.
-No tiene problemas de Bugs/Crasheos en ningun modo.

-La mayoría de los trajes no tienen fisicas.
-Los unicos 2 trajes para Reptile tienen Bugs en sus ojos.
-El traje "Mk2" de Shang Tsung no puede "Desmembrarse",Ya que está hecho a base de un NPC que no tiene esa posibilidad en su modelo.
-Las texturas de daño de algunos trajes tienen errores en el tono de piel o de traje con respecto a como eran antes de dañarse (Tonos diferentes).

Hola a todos,Buen dia y bienvenidos,El dia de hoy y despues de mucha espera,Les vengo a traer la tan esperada actualizacion de este Mod,En el que agrego nuevos trajes para varios personajes,parte de esos trajes son los trajes "Umk3" que muchos pedían y esperaban que trajera en algun momento,ahora los tienen disponibles para todos los ninjas,incluidos cyrax y sektor,bueno,en fin,no voy a decir mas nada sobre el Mod para que puedan verlo ustedes mismos desde las capturas que les voy a dejar mas abajo,recuerden tambien que van a tener el link de descarga de la actualizacion del Mod,por cierto,no se olviden de dejar sus comentarios y opiniones al respecto de la actualizacion de este Mod,disfruten y hasta la próxima! :wink:

NOTA: Para los que no sepan instalar Mods con DLC Manager,Les dejo acontinuacion el link a mi tutorial sobre como instalarlos:viewtopic.php?t=48880

Review Del Mod Disponible En Mi Canal De Youtube (28/5/2023):https://youtu.be/cGwULcdYR7k
Review Del Mod Disponible En Mi Canal De Youtube (26/7/2023):https://youtu.be/r6ya7C7Lhq8
Review Del Mod Disponible En Mi Canal De Youtube (1/1/2024):https://youtu.be/uP8QpEinuWg?si=fhDu9Zymwa33VcQn

NOTA 2: Para ver mejor las imagenes y hacerles Zoom,Abran las imagenes haciendo click derecho y tocando la opcion "Abrir imagen en una nueva pestaña"


Trajes Mk1:
Trajes Mk1 (En Una Pelea).jpg
Trajes Mk1 (Nekropolis).jpg

Trajes Mk2:
Trajes Mk2 (En Una Pelea).jpg
Trajes Mk2 (Nekropolis).jpg

Trajes Umk3:
Trajes Umk3 (En Una Pelea).jpg
Trajes Umk3 (Nekropolis).jpg

Trajes Klasicos - Babalities Personalizadas (Sin Logos).jpg
(Para instalar los bebés,primero pegan el Mod completo en la carpeta de instalacion de Mods,y despues le pegan todos los archivos de la carpeta de bebés personalizados por encima,y reemplazan lo que les pida,por ultimo instalan los trajes principales y los adicionales)

NOTA: Para poder usar los trajes de Rain y Skarlet,Es necesario que tengan instalados
los slots de trajes alternativos para los personajes DLC:
(Una vez descargados los Slots hacen lo siguiente):
1.Extraer el rar y copiar y pegar lo que está dentro de la carpeta "TolInstall" dentro de la carpeta "DLC\ToInstall" de sus MK9
2.Luego copiar y pegar lo de la carpeta "Installed" dentro de la carpeta "DLC\Installed" de sus mk9
3.Ahora,Van a abrir el programa "DLC.exe" dentro de la carpeta raíz de sus MK9,y van a intalar el DLC "NEW DLC CHARS"
y van a desinstalar el DLC "OLD DLC CHARS",Por ultimo,Instalan mis trajes DLC para Rain y Skarlet.

Descarga Opcional (Bebés Personalizados):https://www.mediafire.com/file/u7bu562u ... 9.rar/file

NOTA 2:La descarga de los bebés personalizados durante las babalities es opcional,solo van a hacerlo si quieren que cuando hagan una babality a los personajes usandos sus trajes klasicos,sus bebés usen los mismos trajes en lugar de sus trajes principales,y por cierto,la descarga está unicamente por mediafire temporalmente,ya que tuve problemas para subirlos al servidor de la pagina,pero pronto van a estar disponibles para descargar en el servidor de la pagina,disfruten y no se olviden de dejar sus comentarios al respecto de esta mini actualizacion,saludos y feliz año nuevo para todos! :wink:

NOTA FINAL: Para los que quieran descargar el Mod completo en una sola parte,por decirlo así,acontinuacion les dejo un link por mediafire en el cual van a poder descargar el Mod completo (Incluyendo sus trajes adicionales,por lo que es un "todo en uno"),así que solo tendrian que descargar el archivo rar,descomprimirlo,copiar todos los archivos a la carpeta de instalacion de Mods de sus Mk9,instalar los trajes principales y adicionales con sus respectivos instaladores,y por ultimo disfrutar,así que sin mas que decirles,les pido una disculpa por mi inactividad ultimamente,estuve un poco ocupado y teniendo problemas con mi grabador de pantalla y mi Mk9,que por alguna razon lo lagea mucho al grabar,y cuando termino la grabacion el efecto no se va,por lo que tengo que cerrar el juego y abrirlo nuevamente para solucionarlo,pero en cuanto pueda solucionar el problema van a volver los videos "Review" en mi canal de youtube,en fin,consideren esta actualizacion como un regalo navideño para todos ustedes,todos los que siguen mis Mods desde el comienzo y tambien para los que me siguen desde hace poco,este es mi regalo navideño para ustedes y espero que puedan disfrutarlo,no olviden dejar sus comentarios al respecto de esta actualizacion,y tampoco olviden que mas abajo tienen el link de descarga del pack completo,así que sin mas que decir,nos vemos pronto,que tengan una buena noche y feliz navidad a todos! 😉✌️:https://www.mediafire.com/file/3edezrgo ... 9.rar/file
Post In English (Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate):

Update changes (1/1/2024):
-Custom babies were added for each costume during the babalities.

Update changes (12/24/2023):

-Removed the "Human Versions" of Noob Saibot's costumes, and also the "Mkp" versions of Cyrax's costumes.
-A quality improvement was made in the textures of some costumes (Not in all unfortunately, due to errors).
-Mk1, Mk2 and Umk3 costumes were included for the "Non-Ninja" characters (Stryker, Kabal, Shang Tsung, Etc).
-The color was retouched in the Skarlet costumes, and the color tones were changed for darker ones and more faithful to his main costume.
-The color was retouched in Cyrax's costumes, and the color tones were changed for more yellow ones, so it no longer looks orange.
-Fixed the bug where Sub-Zero and Scorpion could not play together in "Team Tournament" mode and crashed the game when doing so.

Update changes (26/7/2023):

-New Mk1 costumes were added for all ninjas, with fewer or more variants depending on the character.
-Fixed the error in the swords of the Scorpion Mk2 suit (They used to look totally black).
-New portraits have been added for the "Mk2" and "Umk3" Skarlet costumes.
-The hair of Skarlet's "Umk3" suit was modified, removing that mark that he had on his forehead before, In addition to
that his damage textures were slightly edited on that suit as well.
-Added new "Umk3" costumes for Reptile, Rain, Cyrax and Noob Saibot.
-The tone of Rain's "Mk2" suit was slightly changed, so that it looks more like the tone of his "Mk1" suit.
-New "Mk2" costumes were added for mileena, Completely replacing the previous ones, Bringing new ones with shades
more similar to the Classic game.
-New "Mk2" costumes were added, recolored with more vivid colors for Kitana, Jade and Mileena, to make them stick more to the originals in the Classic game, and as a plus, 2 "Mk2" costumes were also added for Kitana with Jade's colors, since in Mk2 Jade uses Kitana's movements.
-The eyes in Mileena's "Mk2" costumes were changed for new "Human" eyes (In addition to changing their color, both eyes and suit).

Update changes (28/5/2023):

-The name of mileena's Mk2 suit with alternate color was changed from: "Mk2 Alt Color" to "Mk2 (V2)".
-Added a new "Mk2 (V2)" suit for noob, which is his all-black Mk2 suit, just like the original one is.
-Added "Umk3" costumes for all ninjas.
-Fixed some problems with the damage textures in the "Mk1" and "Mk2" suits of some ninjas, which made them look "Empty" inside when damaged.
-Added for the first time DLC costumes for Shang Tsung, which are the "Mk1" and "Mk2" costumes
- Slight changes were made to some portraits.
-The tights of the "Mk2" suits of the ninjas were changed for better ones, with the fabric and laces down.
-Fixed the issue where the "Mk2" of Sub-Zero and "Umk3" of Sindel suits crashed the game in tournament mode.

Credits/Special Thanks (updated):

-Credits to the Modder "DFSHINNOK7" (Currently Inactive), for the textures of his Mod that I used to create the costume "Mk1" for Shang Tsung.
-Credits to the Modder "Hanzo-Hasashi" for allowing me to use his idea and his textures to add Shang Tsung's "Mk2" costume to the Pack.
-Credits to the Mk9 PS3 Modder "MFS" for sharing me and allowing me to use his textures to create the "Umk3" costumes for all the ninjas.
-Credits to the Modder "KOBR4" (Currently Inactive), for the new tights I injected to the "Mk2" suits of the ninjas, since I got them from one of their Mods.
-Credits to the Modders "Tetzrep" and "Rich246" (Currently Inactive) for the textures of "Unmarked Fabric" that I used to create the Mk1 DLC costumes with that style, since I used the textures of one of their mods (I don't know exactly whose of the two the Mod is, that's why I give credit to both of them.)
-Credits to the Modder "Luca3148g" for discovering how to make DLC to the main costumes of the characters, since without him I could not have included many of the Mk1, Mk2 & Umk3 costumes.
-Credits to the Modder "Bdrlgn", since he was the one who updated many Mods based on main costumes that replaced the originals, and made them DLC, without him I wouldn't have been able to include many of the Mk1, Mk2 & Umk3 costumes to the pack either.
-Credits to the Modder "Zepterrian" for his help with the new babies during the babalities, as it would not have been possible to add them without his help and advice.

Good/Bad Points of the Mod:

- Is for all versions of the game.
-Add several new outfits.
-It has no bugs/Crashes problems in any way.

- Most of the costumes don't have physics.
-The only 2 costumes for Reptile have bugs in their eyes.
-Shang Tsung's "Mk2" suit cannot "Dismember", as it is made from an NPC that does not have that possibility in its model.
-The damage textures of some cotumes have errors in the skin tone or suit with respect to how they were before being damaged (Different shades).

Hello everyone, Good morning and welcome, Today and after a lot of waiting, I come to bring you the long-awaited update of this Mod, In which I add new costumes for several characters, part of those costumes are the "Umk3" costumes that many asked and expected me to bring at some point, now they have them available for all ninjas, including cyrax and sektor, well, anyway, I'm not going to say anything more about the Mod so you can see it yourselves from the screenshots that I'm going to leave below, also remember that they are to have the download link of the Mod update, by the way, no forget to leave your comments and opinions about the update of this Mod, enjoy and until next time! :wink:

NOTE: For those who do not know how to install Mods with DLC Manager, I leave below the link to my tutorial on how to install them:viewtopic.php?t=48880

Review Of The Mod Available On My Youtube Channel (28/5/2023):https://youtu.be/cGwULcdYR7k
Review Of The Mod Available On My Youtube Channel (26/7/2023):https://youtu.be/r6ya7C7Lhq8
Review Of The Mod Available On My Youtube Channel (1/1/2024):https://youtu.be/uP8QpEinuWg?si=fhDu9Zymwa33VcQn

NOTE 2: To see the images better and Zoom them, Open the images by right clicking and tapping the "Open image in a new tab" option


Mk1 Costumes:
Trajes Mk1 (En Una Pelea).jpg
Trajes Mk1 (Nekropolis).jpg

Mk2 Costumes:
Trajes Mk2 (En Una Pelea).jpg
Trajes Mk2 (Nekropolis).jpg

Umk3 Costumes:
Trajes Umk3 (En Una Pelea).jpg
Trajes Umk3 (Nekropolis).jpg

Trajes Klasicos - Babalities Personalizadas (Sin Logos).jpg
(To install the babies, first paste the complete Mod in the Mods installation folder, and then paste all the files from the custom babies folder on top, and replace what you ask, finally install the main costumes and the additional ones)

NOTE: In order to use the Rain and Skarlet costumes, they need to have installed
the alternative costumes slots for the DLC characters:
(Once the Slots are downloaded they do the following):
1.Extract the rar and copy and paste what is inside the "TolInstall" folder inside the "DLC\ToInstall" folder of your MK9
2.Then copy and paste what from the "Installed" folder into the "DLC\Installed" folder of your mk9
3.Now, they are going to open the program "DLC.exe" inside the root folder of their MK9, and they are going to install the DLC "NEW DLC CHARS"
and they are going to uninstall the DLC "OLD DLC CHARS", Finally, they install my DLC suits for Rain and Skarlet.

Optional Download (Personalized Babies):https://www.mediafire.com/file/u7bu562u ... 9.rar/file

NOTE 2:The download of the personalized babies during the babalities is optional, they are only going to do it if they want that when they make a babality to the characters wearing their classic costumes, their babies use the same costumes instead of their main costumes, and by the way, the download is only by mediafire temporarily, since I had problems uploading them to the server of the page, but soon they will be available for download on the server of the page, enjoy and don't forget to leave your comments about it this mini update, greetings and happy new year new for everyone! :wink:

FINAL NOTE: For those who want to download the complete Mod in one part, so to speak,after that I leave a link by mediafire in which they will be able to download the complete Mod (Including their additional costumes, so it is an "all in one"), so they would only have to download the rar file, unzip it, copy all the files to the Mod installation folder of their Mk9, install the main and additional suits with their respective installers, and finally enjoy, so without more to tell you, I apologize for my inactivity lately, I've been a little busy and having problems with my screen recorder and my Mk9, which for some reason lagges a lot when recording, and when I finish the recording the effect doesn't go away, so I have to close the game and open it again to fix it, but as soon as I can fix the problem the videos "Review" on my youtube channel will come back, anyway, consider this update as a Christmas gift for all of you, all those who follow my Mods from the beginning and also for those who have been following me recently, this is my gift Christmas for you and I hope you can enjoy it, don't forget to leave your comments about this update, and also don't forget that below you have the download link of the full pack, so without more to say, see you soon, have a nice night and merry Christmas to all! 😉✌️:https://www.mediafire.com/file/3edezrgo ... 9.rar/file
Last edited by Mr Skull Oficial on Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:11 pm, edited 21 times in total.

(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by jprfameli »

Incredible! I loved the details, and finally a new classic skins pack, I loved mileena with her true color
But I think an alternative skin for mileena mk2 with the same tone as the official skin for mileena mk3 would be nice, as well as the ps vita version of mileena mk2..
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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by Asicantthinkofaname »

Looks Awesome Love the Looks on the klassic skins👍
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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

jprfameli wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:16 pm Incredible! I loved the details, and finally a new classic skins pack, I loved mileena with her true color
But I think an alternative skin for mileena mk2 with the same tone as the official skin for mileena mk3 would be nice, as well as the ps vita version of mileena mk2..
Thank you very much :D,I'm glad you liked the classic pack, By the way,I'll keep in mind what you told me for a future update, I'm also open to more suggestions in case you come up with any new ones.
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

Do you like my mods and want to help me in some way?,Do it through my paypal account below (It is not mandatory, but it would help me a lot):https://paypal.me/mrskullofficial2022?c ... le.x=es_XC

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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

Asicantthinkofaname wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:51 pm Looks Awesome Love the Looks on the klassic skins👍
Thank you! :D, The truth is I tried very hard making these skins and also GeorgeW22 converting them, So I'm really glad you liked them,Thanks also for commenting,that's something I appreciate above all.

PS: Comment which was your favorite skin/your favorite skins.
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

Do you like my mods and want to help me in some way?,Do it through my paypal account below (It is not mandatory, but it would help me a lot):https://paypal.me/mrskullofficial2022?c ... le.x=es_XC

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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by jprfameli »

Mr Skull Oficial wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:03 pm
jprfameli wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:16 pm Incredible! I loved the details, and finally a new classic skins pack, I loved mileena with her true color
But I think an alternative skin for mileena mk2 with the same tone as the official skin for mileena mk3 would be nice, as well as the ps vita version of mileena mk2..
Thank you very much :D,I'm glad you liked the classic pack, By the way,I'll keep in mind what you told me for a future update, I'm also open to more suggestions in case you come up with any new ones.
It was a impressive great job, in my opinion you are one of the best in creating mods for mk9... I think there are skins that were better than if they were made by the company NetherRealm Studios, I'm glad you heard my message, thanks!
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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by GeorgeW22 »

Just downloaded them and tried them out they aare great :mrgreen:
"Still Learning"
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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

jprfameli wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:14 pm
Mr Skull Oficial wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:03 pm
jprfameli wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:16 pm Incredible! I loved the details, and finally a new classic skins pack, I loved mileena with her true color
But I think an alternative skin for mileena mk2 with the same tone as the official skin for mileena mk3 would be nice, as well as the ps vita version of mileena mk2..
Thank you very much :D,I'm glad you liked the classic pack, By the way,I'll keep in mind what you told me for a future update, I'm also open to more suggestions in case you come up with any new ones.
It was a impressive great job, in my opinion you are one of the best in creating mods for mk9... I think there are skins that were better than if they were made by the company NetherRealm Studios, I'm glad you heard my message, thanks!
Wow,thank you for your words,It really means a lot to me what you said :D,I'm glad you like my mods,there are still many things coming even better than what I uploaded today,so I hope to see you commenting on my future posts if you have time,many mods and more collaborations are coming.
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

Do you like my mods and want to help me in some way?,Do it through my paypal account below (It is not mandatory, but it would help me a lot):https://paypal.me/mrskullofficial2022?c ... le.x=es_XC

Visit my YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9WI6e ... VMNhoriXdQ
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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

GeorgeW22 wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:28 pm Just downloaded them and tried them out they aare great :mrgreen:
I'm glad you liked them :D, you deserve to enjoy them after the work you did converting them.
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by PixelDudeUltra »

nice mod, i just got my hands on v1.07 and i cant wait to try them out.
i hope you get to umk3 soon, thanks a lot

buen mod, acabo de tener en mis manos v1.07 y no puedo esperar para probarlos.
espero que llegues a umk3 pronto, muchas gracias
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Mr Skull Oficial
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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

Hanzo-Hasashi wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:00 am Done perfectly
Thank you so much Hanzo-Hasashi! :D, It took me a while to create the pack, but I hope it was worth it.
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

PixelDudeUltra wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:39 am nice mod, i just got my hands on v1.07 and i cant wait to try them out.
i hope you get to umk3 soon, thanks a lot

buen mod, acabo de tener en mis manos v1.07 y no puedo esperar para probarlos.
espero que llegues a umk3 pronto, muchas gracias
That's great! :D,I'm glad you liked the mod, and I hope it was worth the wait, and about the "Umk3" suits, I still have problems with the textures of the head, which for some reason make it look completely black,but as soon as I solve this problem I'll upload the umk3 suits for several ninjas,Thanks for the suggestion and for the wait.
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by nightWolf321 »

GeorgeW22 wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:28 pm Just downloaded them and tried them out they aare great :mrgreen:
Hi Georgew22 you need to update chameleon revamped
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Re: Klassic DLC Costume Pack (21 Costumes) (By Mr Skull And GeorgeW22)

Post by Asicantthinkofaname »

Mr Skull Oficial wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:05 pm
Asicantthinkofaname wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:51 pm Looks Awesome Love the Looks on the klassic skins👍
Thank you! :D, The truth is I tried very hard making these skins and also GeorgeW22 converting them, So I'm really glad you liked them,Thanks also for commenting,that's something I appreciate above all.

PS: Comment which was your favorite skin/your favorite skins.
i love the looks on the ninja skin of cyrax and sektor its a very awesome design
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