We have updated to the latest version of our software. Please inform us in case of any issues!

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>>> Forums Updates And Feature Announcements <<<

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Re: >>> Forums Updates And Feature Announcements <<<

Post by Gambid »

Just updated the forums and several plugins to the their latest versions. Please let me know if there are any issues.
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Re: >>> Forums Updates And Feature Announcements <<<

Post by joven1 »

Hi there i want to ask what if all my. back up keys are already used? what is the sulution to log in sgain on the site, ?
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Re: >>> Forums Updates And Feature Announcements <<<

Post by Gambid »

Help me out here. What kind of the 2 Factor authentication are we talking about here. I use the Google Authenticator and haven't really used the other methods so I am not familiar with them. So what are the backup keys?

If someone will lock themselves out of their account because of 2-Factor, they can always contact me though the Contact Us-Form and I can help resolved the problem. Has happened on multiple occasions.
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