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HELP NEEDED: Aquaman for Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman

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HELP NEEDED: Aquaman for Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman

Post by kaiwarrior2000 »

Hi, names kaiwarrior2000. I'm a veteran Mortal Kombat player, but I'm new to Injustice: Gods among us. I'm playing the Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman Challenge. HOWEVER, on Challenge 2 it requires Aquaman to be on the team to fight that challenge. I can't find Aquaman to buy anywhere in the store and I can't find him specifically named in any of the booster packs or other special purchase packs. How do I get Aquaman...I have all the other challenges done. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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Re: HELP NEEDED: Aquaman for Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman

Post by Gambid »

The common booster packs are the only chance at the moment. It is a bad decision on Netherrealm's part to configure the challenge in this way, but it is what it is, unfortunately.
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Re: HELP NEEDED: Aquaman for Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman

Post by kaiwarrior2000 »

Thanks for your reply and your help. I ended up buying my way through that particular challenge, it actually wasn't that expensive to do so. So it all worked out in the end. I hope for the next Challenge they allow me to buy an individual character rather than a pack. In fact, the pack didn't even show up until many days AFTER the challenge started. I guess they just "assumed" that everyone had Aquaman. Anyway, like I said...more cost effective to buy my way through it. Thanks again for your help and input.
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