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Does anyone else think that MK Armageddon is underrated?

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Re: Does anyone else think that MK Armageddon is underrated?

Post by Gambid »

I personally loved the Konquest mode. Played it a lot back in the day.

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Re: Does anyone else think that MK Armageddon is underrated?

Post by Player One »

insanbelti4 wrote:I don't understand all the hate for it, sure it didn't have unique fatalities, but the kreate a fatality is still neat. Plus while some of the characters may have felt somewhat similar, they were still unique and games like smash bros have a few similar characters and nobody hates them because of it.
its has the best gameplay amongst 3D era games, I kinda liked aerial kombat and new death traps/stage transitions. also it has KAF which is the most awesome and unique feature up to this day. but people hated that game because of those reasons :

- No fatalities, kreate a fatality (well it was also hard AF to perform successfully)
- Action / hack and slash themed Konquest / Story mode (Its too long and boring, also its irrelevant because its a fighting game not an action game. I would prefer a story mode like MK9 where you do normal VS battles to the end)
- Lacking singleplayer content, no VS against CPU or Endurance modes (all you can do is completing ladder nothing else)
- Just one fighting style instead of two (for me its fine but people dont like it)
- Too many characters, bringing anyone back (I think it was awesome but many people dislike that)
- No pictures in endings, characters only do kata (yeah that was lame)
- Characters felt too generic
- Boring protagonist (Taven)
- Boring/lame boss (Blaze)
- Two legged Motaro
- No weapon for some characters, especially Smoke
- No new designs for returning fighters, most characters go with their designs from MKDA or MKD
- Not focusing on classic characters like Liu Kang, Scorpion, Subzero, Johnny Cage etc, focusing only on Taven who was a plain protagonist

well thats some of reasons I can tell
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Re: Does anyone else think that MK Armageddon is underrated?

Post by ded »

Problems with MK Armageddon were also:
- Little to distinguish between characters
- Recycled graphics from the past 2 games
- Broken gameplay (MK Deception was rejected in EVO 2005)

I personally, liked both Konquest and Motor Kombat tho, but the rest of the game was crap...
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Re: Does anyone else think that MK Armageddon is underrated?

Post by Skankenham »

About a year or two before MK11 released, it got me back into MK many, many years after I felt ripped off with glitchyass launch day MK Gold for Dreamcast. So then I got the two games before it, and MK9 and MKX.

Not going to dispute any points already made. I think what they did was reasonable for cramming all the characters in.

It seems Deception/Unchained is considered the pinnacle of the three full 3D games, but Armgeddon I spent the most the time making kustom fighters.

Konquest mode is a great adventure in Deception while in Armageddon it's more linear arcade action that gets pretty hilarious at time. Splattering little goblins with a hammer and other bloody mischief really cracked me up.

Taven is a bore. But at least his move set and specials seem roughly based off Deception's Onaga.

Sub-Zero losing his Dragon style and only having Shotokan (when he's half Chinese, and not Japanese/Okinawan!) was annoying as was some classic characters missing some iconic moves.
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Re: Does anyone else think that MK Armageddon is underrated?

Post by Gambid »

I actually enjoyed the action adventure nature of Konquest in Armageddon, reminded me a lot of Shaolin Monks, only a bit more restrictive.
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Re: Does anyone else think that MK Armageddon is underrated?

Post by Roy Arkon »

MK Armageddon is my favorite of the 3D era games. Not only it has the best roster ever (MK and fighting games as a whole), and also had my favorite version of Reptile appearance wise to date (just look at my avatar), at least until MK1, but also had so much to do even with only 3 modes (Arcade, Konquest and Motor Kombat), they all had so much replay value and so much fun bring in, the character creation was really deep and it might be THE BEST character creation mode in all of fighting games, and the presentation (visuals and soundtrack) just kick ass even today.

MKDA and MKD were amazing too, but MKA was on another level for me.

And as for it being "underrated", that is sadly just an interent bandwagon that people have put not only on MKA but basically all 3D Era MK's, it's just that Deception gets less of it in recent years just because of the trend in current gaming in which people want all games to have a free-roaming mode/gameplay, which is what MKD Konquest mode, unlike MKA Konquest which was a beat'em up mode. Both modes were fantastic, but I personally prefer the MKA one.
No matter the form, Reptile is always awesome
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