MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

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MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

(Scroll down a bit to find the post in English)

Hola a todos y buenas noches,El dia de hoy les vengo a traer un tutorial donde les voy a enseñar como hacer "Intercambios de malla",Espero realmente que esto les ayude,Mas que nada a los modders que recien estan comenzando,Bueno,Sin mucho mas que decir por acá,Empecemos con los requisitos previos y los pasos del tutorial.

Requisitos previos de este tutorial:

1.Haber leido el tutorial de edicion de texturas y tener al menos la experiencia básica para usar Photoshop (Cualquier Version).
2.Descargar estas herramientas que vamos a usar a los largo del tutorial:
Tools For Mesh Exchange.rar
(1.94 MiB) Downloaded 556 times

NOTA: Por si no saben como Decomprimir y Extraer los Chars para editar sus texturas,les dejo el link al tutorial sobre como hacerlo acá abajo (Pronto voy a crear mi propio tutorial de edicion de texturas,Pero por ahora usen el que ya hay en la pagina):viewtopic.php?t=6311

y por si no tienen Photoshop,Acá les dejo un link a la version que yo uso de Photoshop y la que vamos a usar a lo largo del tutorial,Esta version que les comparto ya tiene los Plugins de Nvidia instalados,Así que pueden saltarse ese paso del tutorial de edicion de texturas: ... a.rar/file

Por ultimo,Si no puede abrir las texturas de los Chars en Photoshop,Lo que van a tener que hacer una vez abierto Photoshop,es ir a las opciones "Edición/Preferencias/Plugins",Luego marcar la casilla "Carpeta De Plugins Adicionales" y tocar el boton "Elegir" a la izquierda de esta casilla,Por ultimo van a buscar la carpeta donde tengan Photoshop y van a hacer click una vez sobre la carpeta "Plugins" dentro de la carpeta de Photoshop y la van a elegir,Despues van a intentar abrir una textura de cualquier Char,Si eso aun no funciona,Cierren Photoshop,Vuelvan a abrirlo y prueben nuevamente abrir una textura (Ya Debería Funcionar),Ahora si,Finalmente comenzemos con los pasos del tutorial:

Paso 1.Despues de haber descargado las herramientas y si era necesario Photoshop y haber extraido todo en un lugar Cómodo de su preferencia,Lo que van hacer primero es ir a la carpeta raíz de su mk9,osea donde lo tienen instalado,van a ir específicamente
a la ruta "Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition\DiscContentPC",Despues van a entrar en la carpeta "Asset dentro de esa misma carpeta y van a escribir la palabra "CHAR",Despues de haberlo hecho,Van a elegir 2 Chars que quieran,que son los que van a usar para intercambiar la malla,Primero van a elegir el Char del que quieran la malla,y luego el que va a recibir la malla,Por ejemplo,Si quieren que Smoke tenga la malla de Cyrax,Van a elegir primero a Cyrax que es el que va a tener la malla que quieren que Smoke tenga,y luego a Smoke,Que va a reemplazar su malla por la de Cyrax,De esta forma se van a guiar mejor.

Paso 2.Una vez elegidos los Chars,Los van a seleccionar y los van a copiar y pegar dentro de la carpeta de Herramientas Luego los van a volver a seleccionar y los van a cortar y pegar dentro de la carpeta "Herramientas Extra",Despues van a arrastrar los Chars uno a la vez al programa "Decompress.exe",Cuando lo hagan se les va a crear una carpeta llamada"Unpacked",Ahí van a estar los Chars que descomprimieron antes,Seleccionenlos a ambos y cortenlos y peguenlos fuera
de esta carpeta,les va a preguntar si quieren reemplazar a los anteriores Chars,elijan que si,Por ultimo vuelvan a arrastrar a los Chars uno a la vez
pero esta vez al programa llamado "Extract.exe" y esperen a que se extraigan,Cuando lo hayan hecho se les van a crear carpetas con los nombres de los Chars.

Paso 3.Cuando se hayan extraido los Chars y se les hayan creado sus carpetas,Van a entrar primero a la carpeta llamada
"CHAR_Cyrax",Despues van a escribir la palabra "Name" automaticamente los va a dejar en una archivo llamado "Nametable.txt",Copien este archivo y peguenlo dentro de la carpeta "In" en el comienzo de la carpeta de herramientas,Despues vuelvan a la carpeta llamada "CHAR_Cyrax" y entren en la carpeta llamada "Meshes" dentro de esta misma carpeta y escriban la palabra "Cyrax",Automaticamente los va a dejar en un archivo llamado "Cyrax.Skeletalmesh",y si no lo hace busquen este archivo manualmente,luego copienlo y peguenlo en la carpeta "In" como hicieron con el archivo "Nametable.txt"

Despues de haber hecho todo eso con Cyrax,Repitan el proceso con la carpeta de Smoke llamada "CHAR_Smoke",Pero en su caso solo copien el archivo llamado "Nametable.txt",Pero péguenlo dentro de la carpeta llamada "Out".

Paso 4.Despues de haber repetido los pasos de Cyrax con Smoke,Lo que van a hacer es volver nuevamente al principio de la carpeta de Herramientas,Despues van a seleccionar los 2 Chars que descomprimieron anteriormente y los van a copiar y pegar dentro de la carpeta "Herramientas Extra",Por último van a arrastrar los Chars uno por uno al programa llamado "1_CREATE_EXPORTLIST (DRAG OVER).BAT",Cuando lo hayan hecho van a notar que se les crearon 2 archivos llamados "ExportList_CHAR_Cyrax.txt" y "ExportList_CHAR_Smoke.txt",Ahora lo que van a hacer es primero
renombrar el archivo de Cyrax como "Exportlist" y lo van a cortar y pegar dentro de la carpeta "In" donde pegaron su malla anteriormente,Despues van a volver a entrar dentro de la carpeta de Herramientas Extra,y van a renombrar el archivo de Smoke tambien como "Exportlist" y lo van cortar y a pegar dentro de la carpeta "Out" donde pegaron su "Nametable" anteriormente.

Paso 5.Por último van a volver por ultima vez a la carpeta de Herramientas Extra,y van a seleccionar a "" y lo van a copiar o cortar y despues lo van a pegar dentro de la carpeta "Out" en el principio de la carpeta de herramientas,donde pegaron los anteriores 2 archivos,Cuando el Char de Smoke esté dentro de esa carpeta van a abrir el programa llamado "0_SWAP_MESH.BAT",Les van a salir instrucciones de lo que tienen que hacer,Pero si no se guian igualmente,Lo que tienen que hacer apenas abren el programa es escribir el nombre de la malla que va a reemplazar al personaje,que en este caso la malla es la de Cyrax,Así que van escribir la palabra "Cyrax" (Exactamente igual a como la escribí),y despues van a tocar la tecla "Enter" una vez para confirmar,Despues tienen que escribir el nombre de la malla que va a ser reemplazada,Que en este caso es la de smoke,Así que van a escribir la palabra "Smoke" y van a tocar enter para confirmar,Por ultimo les van a salir algunas opciones extra,Les van a salir dos de estas opciones,Toquen 3 y despues "Enter" para confirmar que no quieren usar la opcion,y cuando salga la segunda opcion hagan lo mismo.

y listo,Eso sería todo lo que tendrian que hacer,Ahora por ultimo tienen que entrar en la carpeta "Out" y copiar y pegar el Char con la malla cambiada dentro de la carpeta "MK9.DDSInjectorV1.4" dentro de la carpeta de Herramientas Extra,y editar sus texturas,superponiendo las texturas de Cyrax sobre las de smoke usando los métodos del tutorial de edicion de texturas,Pero si saben editar las texturas pero no saben cuales editar exactamente,Son las siguientes 8:


NOTA: Si a la hora de escribir el nombre de la malla que va a ser reemplazada (Osea la de Smoke),les salta un error de "Offset" (Les van a salir unos textos,uno debajo de otro con nombres y numeros,lo que tienen que hacer es buscar el nombre que coincida con
el que da error,por ejemplo,si el error se llama "Smoke_Mic",Tienen que buscar el texto que diga el mismo nombre,o que diga "Character_Mic" lo mismo si da error con los accesorios,si el error se llama "Smoke_Accesory_Mic" o "Smoke_Accesory_Damage_Mic",Tienen que buscar los textos que se llamen "Accesory_Mic" y "Accesory_Damage_Mic",y si no encuentran unos textos tan parecidos,Elijan el que dice "Character_Damage_Mic" para ambos errores de accesorios.

Bueno,Hasta acá llega este tutorial,Espero realmente que los haya ayudado con sus dudas respecto a los intercambios de malla,y a los que son novatos en el modeo de Mk9 espero haberlos ayudado a aprender algo nuevo,Si tienen alguna duda (Por mas tonta que parezca) no duden en comentarla,que yo voy a tratar de responderla lo mas pronto posible,Bueno,Sin mucho mas que decir,Disfruten experimentando,y no olviden dejar sus comentarios,Nos vemos la próxima.
Post In English (Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate):

Hello everyone and good evening,Today I'm bringing you a tutorial where I'm going to teach you how to do "Mesh Swaps",I really hope this helps you, More than anything to the modders who are just starting,Well,Without much more to say here,Let's start with the prerequisites and the tutorial steps.

Prerequisites of this tutorial:

1.Have read the texture editing tutorial and have at least the basic experience to use Photoshop (Any Version).
2.Download these tools that we are going to use throughout the tutorial:
Tools For Mesh Exchange.rar
(1.94 MiB) Downloaded 556 times

NOTE: In case you don't know how to Decompress and Extract the Chars to edit their textures, I leave the link to the tutorial on how to do it here below (I'm going to create my own texture editing tutorial soon, But for now use the one already on the page):viewtopic.php?t=6311

and in case you don't have Photoshop,Here I leave a link to the version that I use of Photoshop and the one that we are going to use throughout the tutorial,This version that I share with you already has the Nvidia Plugins installed,So you can skip that step of the texture editing tutorial: ... a.rar/file

Finally,if you can not open the textures of the Chars in Photoshop, What they will have to do once Photoshop is opened, is to go to the options "Editing/Preferences/Plugins",Then check the box "Folder Of Additional Plugins" and touch the button "Choose" to the left of this box,Finally they will find the folder where they have Photoshop and they are going to click once on the "Plugins" folder inside the Photoshop folder and they are going to choose it, Then they are going to try to open a texture of any Char,If that still doesn't work, Close Photoshop, reopen it and try opening a texture again (It Should Already Work),Now yes,Let's finally start with the tutorial steps:

Step 1.After having downloaded the tools and if necessary Photoshop and having extracted everything in a comfortable place of your preference, What you are going to do first is go to the root folder of your mk9, that is where you have it installed, you are going to specifically
to the path "Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition\DiscContentPC",Then they are going to enter the folder "Asset inside that same folder and they are going to write the word "CHAR",After having done it,They are going to choose 2 Chars they want,which are the ones they are going to use to exchange the mesh,First they are going to choose the Char of and then the one who is going to receive the mesh, For example,If they want Smoke to have the mesh of Cyrax, They are going to choose Cyrax first who is going to have the mesh that they want Smoke to have, and then Smoke, who is going to replace his mesh with Cyrax's, this way they will be guided better.

Step 2.Once the Chars have been chosen, they will select them and copy and paste them into the Tools folder, then they will select them again and cut and paste them into the "Extra Tools" folder, Then they will drag the Chars one at a time to the "Decompress.exe", When they do it they will create a folder called "Unpacked", There will be the Chars that they unzipped before, Select them both and cut and paste them out
from this folder, it will ask them if they want to replace the previous Chars,choose yes, Finally drag the Chars one at a time again
but this time to the program called "Extract.exe" and wait for them to be extracted, When they have done so, folders will be created with the names of the Chars.

Step 3.When the Chars have been extracted and their folders have been created, they will first enter the folder called
"CHAR_Cyrax",Then they will write the word "Name" will automatically leave them in a file called "Nametable.txt", Copy this file and paste it inside the folder "In" at the beginning of the tools folder, Then go back to the folder called "CHAR_Cyrax" and enter the folder called "Meshes" inside this same folder and write the word " Cyrax", will automatically leave them in a file called "Cyrax.Skeletalmesh", and if it doesn't search for this file manually, then copy and paste it into the folder "In" as you did with the file "Nametable.txt"

After having done all that with Cyrax, repeat the process with the Smoke folder called "CHAR_Smoke", but in your case just copy the file called "Nametable.txt", but paste it inside the folder named "Out".

Step 4.After having repeated the Cyrax steps with Smoke, what they are going to do is go back to the beginning of the Tools folder again, Then they are going to select the 2 Chars that they unzipped earlier and they are going to copy and paste them inside the folder "Extra Tools", Finally they are going to drag the Chars one by one to the program called "1_CREATE_EXPORTLIST (DRAG OVER).BAT", When they have done it they will notice that 2 files named "ExportList_CHAR_Cyrax" were created for them.txt" and "ExportList_CHAR_Smoke.txt",Now what they're going to do is first
rename the Cyrax file as "Exportlist" and they are going to cut and paste it inside the folder "In" where they pasted their mesh previously, Then they are going to reenter inside the Extra Tools folder, and they are going to rename the Smoke file also as "Exportlist" and they are going to cut and paste it inside the folder [color=# 40BF00]"Out"[/color] where they pasted their "Nametable" earlier.

Step 5.Finally they will return for the last time to the Extra Tools folder, and they will select "" and they are going to copy or cut it and then they are going to paste it inside the folder "Out" at the beginning of the tools folder, where they pasted the previous 2 files, When the Smoke Char is inside that folder they are going to open the program called "0_SWAP_MESH.BAT", They will get instructions of what they have to do, but if they are not guided equally, What they have to do is just they open the program is to write the name of the mesh that is going to replace the character, which in this case the mesh is Cyrax's, So they are going to write the word "Cyrax" (Exactly the same as I wrote it), and then they are going to touch the "Enter" key once to confirm, Then they have to write the name of the mesh that is going to be replaced, which in this case is smoke's,So they are going to type the word "Smoke" and they will touch enter to confirm,Finally they will get some extra options, They will get two of these options, Touch 3 and then "Enter" to confirm that you do not want to use the option, and when the second option comes out do the same.

and voila,that would be all you would have to do, Now finally you have to enter the folder "Out" and copy and paste the Char with the changed mesh inside the folder "MK9.DDSInjectorV1.4" inside the Extra Tools folder, and edit their textures, superimposing Cyrax textures on smoke using the methods of the texture editing tutorial, But if they know how to edit the textures but don't know which ones to edit exactly, They are the following 8:


NOTE: If at the time of writing the name of the mesh that is going to be replaced (That is, Smoke's), an "Offset" error jumps out at them (They are going to get some texts, one below the other with names and numbers, what they have to do is look for the name that matches
the one that gives an error, for example,if the error is called "Smoke_Mic", they have to look for the text that says the same name, or that says "Character_Mic" the same if it gives an error with the accessories,if the error is called "SMOKE_ACCESSORY_MIC" or " SMOKE_ACCESSORY_DAMAGE_MIC", You have to look for the texts that are called "Accesory_Mic" and "Accesory_Damage_Mic", and if you don't find such similar texts,Choose the one that says "Character_Damage_Mic" for both errors of accessories.

Well,that's the end of this tutorial, I really hope it helped you with your doubts about mesh exchanges, and for those of you who are newbies to Mk9 modding I hope I helped you to learn something new, If you have any doubts (no matter how silly it may seem) do not hesitate to comment, I'm going to try to answer it as soon as possible, Well, without much more to say,Enjoy experimenting, and don't forget to leave your comments,See you next time.
Last edited by Mr Skull Oficial on Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by PixelDudeUltra »

This looks very well informative, thanks :)
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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

PixelDudeUltra wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:24 am This looks very well informative, thanks :)
Thank you,I tried to make it as informative as possible without missing any detail,The only bad thing about the publication is that it has no images, But that's why I made the tutorial fast, But in the future I will update the publication to add images, in the same way I hope it will be of help, If you have any questions do not hesitate to comment, I am attentive to read it and answer it as soon as possible.
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by PixelDudeUltra »

Mr Skull Oficial wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 11:14 am
PixelDudeUltra wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:24 am This looks very well informative, thanks :)
Thank you,I tried to make it as informative as possible without missing any detail,The only bad thing about the publication is that it has no images, But that's why I made the tutorial fast, But in the future I will update the publication to add images, in the same way I hope it will be of help, If you have any questions do not hesitate to comment, I am attentive to read it and answer it as soon as possible.
hello Mr Skull, i hope you are doing okay. sorry for being offline for the past week, the weather was a bit rough and it cut my neighborhoods power. i decided to delete the mesh files and start again from the beginning. while following your guide, i met this window. i hope its normal and i hope to hear from you soon. :D

Hola Mr Skull, espero que estés bien. Perdón por estar desconectado durante la semana pasada, el clima estuvo un poco agitado y cortó la energía de mi vecindario. Decidí eliminar los archivos de malla y comenzar de nuevo desde el principio. Mientras seguía tu guía, me encontré con esta ventana. Espero que sea normal y espero tener noticias tuyas pronto. :D
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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

PixelDudeUltra wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:43 am
Mr Skull Oficial wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 11:14 am
PixelDudeUltra wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:24 am This looks very well informative, thanks :)
Thank you,I tried to make it as informative as possible without missing any detail,The only bad thing about the publication is that it has no images, But that's why I made the tutorial fast, But in the future I will update the publication to add images, in the same way I hope it will be of help, If you have any questions do not hesitate to comment, I am attentive to read it and answer it as soon as possible.
hello Mr Skull, i hope you are doing okay. sorry for being offline for the past week, the weather was a bit rough and it cut my neighborhoods power. i decided to delete the mesh files and start again from the beginning. while following your guide, i met this window. i hope its normal and i hope to hear from you soon. :D

Hola Mr Skull, espero que estés bien. Perdón por estar desconectado durante la semana pasada, el clima estuvo un poco agitado y cortó la energía de mi vecindario. Decidí eliminar los archivos de malla y comenzar de nuevo desde el principio. Mientras seguía tu guía, me encontré con esta ventana. Espero que sea normal y espero tener noticias tuyas pronto. :D
bandicam 2023-01-23 16-24-47-039.jpg
Hi PixelDudeUltra,Don't worry,I understand you since it happened to me too, and answering your question,Yes,That error is completely normal,In fact I detail it almost at the end of the publication in case you didn't see it,What you have to do is find a name similar to the error, Then write its number and touch "Enter" once to correct the error with a similar "Offset" number,For example,The error that details you in yellow has a long name,But what matters in that name are the words "SmokeSocketSet", You're going to have to look for a new Offset number with a similar name to "Fix" the error, In this case that Offset is the bottom room called "smokeSocketSet" (On the left you can see its number, Which is "2651"),Type this number and touch "Enter" once, and so you will have to do with each error that comes out, look for a similar or the same name,write its number on the left and touch the "Enter" key to solve it,I Hope this has helped you (and sorry if it was very long).
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by PixelDudeUltra »

thanks again Mr Skull, here is one more "obstacle". char cyrax or char smoke?
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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

PixelDudeUltra wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:00 pm thanks again Mr Skull, here is one more "obstacle". char cyrax or char smoke?
bandicam 2023-01-23 18-55-13-603.jpg
If you are working with Smoke, Type CHAR_Smoke (Without the extension".xxx"), since the name of the Char that is going to receive the mesh change is always written at the end.
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by PixelDudeUltra »

this happened after typing in the smoke file :?
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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

PixelDudeUltra wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:25 pm this happened after typing in the smoke file :?
bandicam 2023-01-23 21-21-10-759.jpg
I imagined it, That happens a lot with Smoke, Precisely when you try to exchange him with Cyrax, I would recommend you to try again but with his alternative suit (Which probably works), since it is less problematic than his main suit.

PS: If you have any other questions do not have a problem commenting, I will try to give you the solution to all the problems that are within my reach.
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by PixelDudeUltra »

Mr Skull Oficial wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:43 pm
PixelDudeUltra wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:25 pm this happened after typing in the smoke file :?
bandicam 2023-01-23 21-21-10-759.jpg
I imagined it, That happens a lot with Smoke, Precisely when you try to exchange him with Cyrax, I would recommend you to try again but with his alternative suit (Which probably works), since it is less problematic than his main suit.

PS: If you have any other questions do not have a problem commenting, I will try to give you the solution to all the problems that are within my reach.
thank you for your patience :) , perhaps i will try to use the alternate costumes for both characters
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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

PixelDudeUltra wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:45 pm
Mr Skull Oficial wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:43 pm
PixelDudeUltra wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:25 pm this happened after typing in the smoke file :?
bandicam 2023-01-23 21-21-10-759.jpg
I imagined it, That happens a lot with Smoke, Precisely when you try to exchange him with Cyrax, I would recommend you to try again but with his alternative suit (Which probably works), since it is less problematic than his main suit.

PS: If you have any other questions do not have a problem commenting, I will try to give you the solution to all the problems that are within my reach.
thank you for your patience :) , perhaps i will try to use the alternate costumes for both characters
No problem!,I will help you as much as possible, Have luck in your experiments! :D
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by sultan0017 »

Great Tutorial Mr. Skull,
followed each and every word and managed to inject the skeletal mesh perfectly(I think) but I got this problem, now Sonya is all black lol, I think my mistake is in the texture part, which Texture2D file should I use to inject the dds files cuz I think that is where my problem is.
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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by L_K_Fisto17 »

Oye mr skull, una duda, en que formato de la tool de nvidia tengo que guardar las texturas pmsk y spec?
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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by Mr Skull Oficial »

L_K_Fisto17 wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:37 am Oye mr skull, una duda, en que formato de la tool de nvidia tengo que guardar las texturas pmsk y spec?
Hola,Tenés que guardar las texturas en general de esta manera (Con "En General",Me refiero no solo a las texturas "pmsk" y "spec",sinó tambien a las "diff" y todas las demás texturas):
Configuracion De Guardado De Texturas.jpg
(Sorry if there is any writing error,My language is spanish,And i use google translate)

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Re: MK9 PC (Tutorial) - How To Make Mesh Swaps+Necessary Tools

Post by alexofeich »

Mr Skull Oficial wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:43 pm
PixelDudeUltra wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:25 pm this happened after typing in the smoke file :?
bandicam 2023-01-23 21-21-10-759.jpg
I imagined it, That happens a lot with Smoke, Precisely when you try to exchange him with Cyrax, I would recommend you to try again but with his alternative suit (Which probably works), since it is less problematic than his main suit.

PS: If you have any other questions do not have a problem commenting, I will try to give you the solution to all the problems that are within my reach.
This also happened to me, I tried to make a Classic reptile MK2. I did both with Noob and with Smoke
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