MK Encyclopedia Project needs the help of a modder...

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MK Encyclopedia Project needs the help of a modder...

Post by evilstarlegacy »


I'm Tommy from the MK Encyclopedia project you might have heard about.

One of our most popular feature in the prototype book we did were the strip showing each character's look throughout the series. While we can easily vectorize the first few game's sprites so they can pe printed without losing quality, we've hit a snag with the later games as there doesn't seem to be any good sources of screenshots showing versus poses and print screen of YouTube videos, even in HD, aren't good enough.

I posted a picture of one of our early prototype showing Sonya.


We would like the help of a modder for this purpose. Possibly getting 4K screenshots of the versus poses of characters in their default costumes from Deadly Alliance in the Dolphin emulator throught X. Even better, and that's where the mods come in, without any menu element and possibly on a pink background to make cutouts easier.

If anybody's up to the task, send me a PM and I'll further discuss the project with you. You can find out more on the project throught our various social media pages, which I assume I'm not allowed to link to.

Have a good day!

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Re: MK Encyclopedia Project needs the help of a modder...

Post by thethiny »

As for Dolphin, You can setup any NVidia card to take screenshots in 4K even when the game is running on 360p, that's a feature in NVidia Geforce. As for MKX, your best bet is to use the camera hack on the early version of the game and choose the forest level, you can move the camera until there is no background. Or you can take a panoramic image of the levels and apply them on the characters then subtract the difference giving you the character alone.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I'd love to help though.

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